Prep Time5 minsTotal Time6 hrsYields6 Servings


 50 ml Water (maybe 100 ml)
 1 qt Ripe Mango
 1 tbsp Lemon Juice

Peel and cut your mango into pieces. Add the mango pieces and the lemon juice into a blender and bled until smooth.

Then add water as wished, I like my popsicles a little more watery / juicy, so I added almost 100ml water to the mango puree. 

Fill the "Mango Juice" into your popsicle moulds and freeze them for at least 6 hours. 


 50 ml Water (maybe 100 ml)
 1 qt Ripe Mango
 1 tbsp Lemon Juice



Mango Popsicles

Belgian girl that loves to discover delicious recipes, dine in tasty restaurants and visit the most beautiful places in the world

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